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Born in Yokosuka City, Kanagawa prefecture, Japan. I was born and raised in a home of craftsmen; I had the chance to experience and learn many different things since I was little. I went to a design institute and I discovered the world of photography accidentally. I was working at the design of a poster, as my first project, but I wasn’t satisfied with the photos taken by somebody else for this project, so I began to study the art of photography so that I could take better pictures by myself. Once I discovered photography, I became completely captured by this art. I continued to work and study the art of photography day and night. And when my tremendous passion connected me with what became my second love,music, I made the most important decision of my life: to become a professional photographer. Ever since, from the love for these two arts, many photographs of artists and musicians have been born. In 1986 I set up a studio in Meguro, Tokyo where I've been building my own experience by photographing many Japanese and foreign artists and taking many other kinds of pictures. I also took pictures for CD jackets, music and fashion magazines, advertising, and many others. I was lecturer at many photography schools, camera manufacturers, TV documentaries and programs. As part of my lifework, I put a lot of effort in monochrome artistic photography and so in 2004 I held a photo exhibition in Firenze, Italy (Palazzo Vecchio, Palazzo Strozzi) with such artworks. Currently he is actively performing presentations of Japanese culture in many countries of the world. |
神奈川県横須賀市出身。 職人の多くいる家族の中に生まれ、手作りのものに触れる機会に恵まれて 育つ。 学生時代よりデザイン研究所にて学ぶなか”偶然”に写真の世界に近づく。 初めてのデザイン企画で依頼した写真に満足出来なかった事を機に写真 研究を始める。 そして一気に写真の世界にのめり込んだ。その後も意欲的に撮影術を日夜 研究し、この大きな情熱が、もう一つの 自身が愛する “音楽” と衝撃的に 結びついた瞬間、写真を撮る事を職業にする意を固める。 人物をメインに 様々な分野での撮影経験を経て、1986年 東京目黒に自身 のスタジオを設立。 国内外を問わず、多くの音楽家、アーティスト達の写真が生まれることと なり、現在に至るまで CDジャケット、音楽誌、ファッション誌、広告等 幅広い撮影を数多く手掛ける。 又、写真学校や写真メーカー等の特別講師、TVドキュメンタリー、対談 番組 等に出演。 更にライフワークとして、得意とする独自の単色画写真による作品撮影に も力を入れており、 2004年 伊・フィレンツェ にて作品展をスタート。(ヴェッキオ宮殿、 ストロッツィ宮殿 他) 日本文化を世界に紹介すべく、現在 各国に向け意欲的に活動を展開中。 |